Road Use Regulations Roundup – August, 2010

Some trends in this latest regulation roundup:

  • More public road access for mini-trucks, UTVs and less frequently ATVs
  • More public road access for golf cars which, if it becomes more widespread, could reduce demand for LSVs.
  • Some municipalities rejecting use of golf cars and off road vehicles on public roads because of safety concerns

San Juan Islands, WA – Bill passed state senate that will allow NEVs on roads with speed limits up to 45 mph. In some cases the use of NEVs had been limited because a short drive on higher speed roads were required for local trips.

Nebraska – A bill is moving through the legislature that would allow the use of golf cars or LSVs during daytime on streets with speed limits up to 35 mph.

Wisconsin – Governor signed a bill in March that allows farmers to use light utility vehicles, like Gators, on roadways for agricultural purposes.

Chillicothe, MO – City council passed an ordinance that allows golf cars and UTVs on city streets. Drivers of the vehicles must be insured and registered.

Cedaredge, CO – The municipality which allows NEVs on local low speed roads is considering allowing golf cars as well.

Englewood, CO – The city council is considering a law that would allow LSVs and golf cars on city streets.

Carlton County, MN – The county board approved the use of mini-trucks on county roads.

Highland City, UT – ATVs have been approved for use on city streets. Under city regulations mini-trucks are considered ATVs and were the original impetus for the ordinance.

Lyon County, MN – An ordinance was drafted earlier this year to allow golf cars, ATVs and mini-trucks on some public roads. Permitting of vehicles would be left to local municipalities.

Otter Tail County, MN – Officials are re-examining the use of mini-trucks on country roads. Previously they declined to allow their use.

Williamsville, IL – Considering ordinance allowing the use of golf cars and ATVs on municipal streets.

Creston, IL – Village board is developing an ordinance to allow golf cars and utility vehicles, but not ATVS, on city streets.

Mason City, IA – City council is considering ordinance allowing the use of ATVs on city streets but support is mixed.

Carman, Manitoba, Canada – The town is developing a pilot project to test the use of LSVs on town streets.

Vernon, British Columbia, Canada – The city council rejected a proposed law to allow LSVs on city streets citing safety concerns.

Tampa Bay, FL – Golf cars will remain illegal to drive on public streets on Davis Island.

Clare City, MI – The city council voted to keep a ban against allowing off-road vehicles on city streets. While the county allows their use, municipalities do so on an individual basis and the city council had safety concerns.

Seoul, Korea – In April a law went into effect allowing NEVs on certain designated roads.

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